Kent Moore
Senior Vice President/Partner
Kent Moore is a senior vice president, partner, and executive in charge of American Structurepoint's national sales strategy and execution. He is responsible for pursuing geographic growth opportunities in Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Nebraska, Ohio, Tennessee, and Texas, including design-build P3 relationships, alternative delivery procurement delivery for project owners, developing teaming partners, diversification and client development, and talent recruitment. He also leads the firm’s Business Development Group.
Kent joined American Structurepoint in 1999, became a partner in 2010, and has over 24 years of consulting engineering experience. Kent and his team of business development professionals collaborate and partner with state and local community leaders across the US to develop and drive projects from concept to completion. He has been involved in many processes that drive successful project management and build engaged client relationships, including pursuing federal funding mechanisms, public agency collaboration, strategic management planning, contract negotiations, business plan preparation, team building and staffing, market research and analysis, the formation of strategic partnerships, and value-based management systems. Kent is well versed in design-build and alternative delivery methods that deliver cost and time savings, multiple benefits, and results for clients. He has been a key player in a broad range of complex, multidiscipline projects ranging in value from a half a million dollars to the $830 million Transform I-66 Outside the Beltway project just outside Washington, D.C., in northern Virginia.
Since Kent has been with the firm, American Structurepoint has seen a tremendous amount of organic growth from sales of $12 million in 1999 to approximately $235 million in 2024 across all company groups, with particular emphasis on Transportation, Architecture + Interiors, Utility Infrastructure, and Construction Solutions. With a background in organizational leadership and supervision, Kent builds relationships to secure the funding necessary to complete projects on schedule and within budget. He is able to uncover funding opportunities for our clients and helps to develop creative and cost-effective solutions to their infrastructure and development needs. From his work collaborating with community leaders, Kent holds a great deal of empathy and insight into the needs of public agencies and understands complex federal project requirements and delivery. Kent will strive to develop creative and cost-effective solutions to the challenges of infrastructure needs, growth, and development.
o the challenges of infrastructure needs, growth, and development.
Accelerate Indiana Municipalities (AIM) – Member
American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), Indiana Chapter – Member
American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) – Member
American Water Works Association – Member
Associated General Contractors of America, Texas Chapter – Member
DBIA National Transportation Committee – Member
DBIA National Water/Wastewater Committee – Member
Florida City and County Management Association (FCCMA) – Member
Florida Transportation Builders’ Association (FTBA) – Member
Indiana Association of County Commissioners – Member
Joint Legislative Ethics Committee Ohio General Assembly – Executive
Bachelor of Arts, Organizational Leadership and Supervision, 1994, Purdue University