Columbus, Ohio
Investigative engineers from American Structurepoint were retained by CampusParc (CP) in an owner’s representative role to manage and develop baseline property assessment data and associated planning, construction document preparation, bid administration, and construction inspection and administration for all parking garage structures, as well as surface lots and related drainage serving the students, faculty, and staff of The Ohio State University (OSU).
As the owner’s representative, management of CP's Capital Asset Management Plan (CAMP) includes quarterly reports to update current asset conditions, including recently completed projects; summary of planned major capital improvements for the remaining terms, as well as coming years; and updates to the forecast of capital expenditures. From the capital expenditures forecast, prioritized maintenance and improvements were developed for each asset comprising the parking infrastructure at OSU. Construction administration and inspection work includes bidding, contractor selection, field inspection, RFIs, pay requests, field verification, and project closeout.
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- American Structurepoint Is Expanding Its Services To Akron, Ohio
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