Parkview Apartments
Alum Creek Trunk South Sewer Rehabilitation
Athenaeum Artwork Foundations
Ayrshire Farms Single-Family Subdivision
CampusParc Capital Program Management
Candlewood Suites
City of Xenia Towne Square Public Infrastructure Redevelopment
Columbus Construction Inspection and Materials Testing 2018-2024
Core 5 – West Jefferson, I-70 Industrial Park
Elm Street Railroad Grade Separation
Emerald Parkway Improvements
Gemini Parkway Extension Design-Build
Glenn Road Extension
Hudson Street Improvements
I-75 Widening (MOT 75)
Licking County Study
LUC-Monroe Street/Silica Drive Bridge
Mayflower Estates Sewer Study
Meander Wastewater Treatment Plant Evaluation and Stress Test
Milan Army Reserve Center Renovation
Mill Creek Expressway Phase 5A (HAM-75-3.84) Design-Build
Mill Run Road
Mills Road and SR 83 Roundabout
ODOT District 1 General Engineering Services
Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing P3 Design-Build
Old SR 122 and Township Line Road
Oregon Road Improvements (WOO-CR 107-1.73)
OSU Street and Bridge Maintenance
Rickenbacker Exchange at Commercial Point Industrial Park
Shawnee Station Glick Road Development
South Old 3C Highway Improvements
Steam Distribution Network, NASA Glenn Research Center
Stillwater Lift Station and Force Main Replacement
The Verve
Transform 66 Outside the Beltway
Union Township Waterline Installation Program
VAR-District 8 Construction Inspection/Construction Administration
Washington Street Combined Sewer Overflow
West Blee Road (SR 794) Relocation (CLA-794-0.60)
West Smith Road Reconstruction
Winchester Pike Bridge Replacement (FRA-CR376-0.87)